The distance between Donegal and Letterkenny is not a long one, however short distances are not always easier to cycle than long ones. Elevation, wind direction, road type and temperature can all play their part to turn a potentially pleasant cycle into an ordeal.
Being on a bike introduces a sense of vulnerability and invisibility that is never felt when driving a car. When a truck whizzes past you in heavy rain, you are momentarily swallowed up into a white and windy place. However, despite occasionally being engulfed in the mini tornadoes that follow trucks around, we did cycle through some really beautiful landscapes today. Due to the rain being quite heavy, visibility was reduced to a few hundred metres, meaning that every hill and valley we happened across was a surprise. As is expected from Donegal, it turned up some stunning sights.
We arrived in the Letterkenny Radisson like two drowned rats, but soon thawed out and had food before doing a quick interview on i102-104FM, which consisted mainly of the lady presenter becoming quite excited at the thought of Conor in lycra! I can't help but wonder why she only requested a photo of Conor and not me...
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